Coronavirus (COVID-19) Important Information.
COVID 19: Amendment to Terms and Conditions:
From February 24th, 2022, the rules and guidance has changed in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The restrictions changed are:
You will not be legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. Stay at home if you can and avoid contact with other people.
You will not have to take daily tests or be legally required to self-isolate following contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
The existing guidance is:
Let fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meet outside
Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces
Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms and stay at home if positive.
As I and other members of my family are either vulnerable or extremely vulnerable, I will continue to maintain measures to reduce the risk of infection.
The following section outlines our responsibilities and the implication in relation to conducting business with myself for driving lessons or driving assessments.
My Responsibility:
I will not conduct your scheduled lesson if I start to experience any symptoms of the virus or I have been in contact with anyone who has. If I cancel the lesson of course there would be no charge and we will confirm a plan for your next re-scheduled lesson.
I will wipe down all contact points i.e., steering wheel/gear lever/seat belt/indicators/door handles and any points that I or you may have touched.
I will dispose of all my wipes in the safest way possible.
I will wear a mask throughout your lesson.
Your Responsibility:
You must inform your me as soon as possible if you are displaying any symptoms of the virus. Failure to do so in reasonably good time may result in you being charged for the lesson.
You will supply and wear a disposable mask for lessons, if possible. If it is not possible then please discuss this with me beforehand.
Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds immediately before any lesson.
If you do not comply with the above and fail to give me adequate notice I may not conduct your lesson if you fail to let me know in reasonably good time this may result in you being charged for the lesson.
One the Day of Your Lesson:
On the day before I travel to your pick you up I will contact you to confirm that you are:
Showing no symptoms of the virus.
To remind you to wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds immediately before leaving your pick up point.
To remind you to bring your mask.
At the start of your lesson:
I may request to test your temperature with a handheld thermometer.
I will offer you some sanitiser for your gloves/hands before or as you enter the vehicle.
During Your Lesson:
The windows will be open. (Weather permitting).
Should you start to show symptoms during your lesson, I reserve the right stop the lesson early and return you to your pickup point. Depending on the circumstances this may result in you being charged for the lesson.
I will wherever possible will face forward during the lesson.
Should I need to do a demonstration drive all controls will be wiped down again.
At the End of Your Lesson:
You will be asked to remove any personal belongings and take away your own PPE and dispose of it safely.
The DVSA and AA have issued guidance as to what needs to be done to reduce the risk of passing on the virus for lessons as tests. This has meant that I have had to re-structure my diary to ensure that all the necessary precautions can be undertaken before and after lessons.
The following Terms and Condition, describe those changes necessary. Please take time to read these in detail and if necesary contact me as requested at the bottom of this page.
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:
Please confirm your acceptance of the above at least 48 hrs prior to the start of your first lesson either by text to 07712 560678 or via email to