Your Lessons with Mikes-Driving and what you can expect.
You are unique, everyone learns at their own pace, some things people find easier to master than others. Learning to drive is no different in that respect, everyone finds some aspects of learning to drive easier than others. I tailor my lessons to your own unique needs to ensure that you learn in the most effective way for you.
Your first lesson:
If you haven't driven before, your first lesson will be about getting to know each other, about the car, it’s key controls and an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of learning to drive, together with a chat about the plan and approach for your future lessons.
If you have driven before then we will have chat to determine what you have done, discuss any issues, concerns or difficulties you may have been experiencing and then we can go on a drive to assess these and agree a plan and approach to your future lessons.
Your plan for next and subsequent lessons:
This will be unique to you and your individual learning needs, but it will always follow these main aims.
Aim 1: To teach you to drive, not just to pass your test.
This means that through tailored tuition you should become a more confident and independent driver. It doesn't mean additional lessons are required it just means that how you learn will be slightly different.
In simple terms it means that you should know more about ‘why’ you are doing something and not just doing it ‘because my instructor told me to’. It should also mean that you are more prepared to drive independently once you have passed your test.
We will not just stick to the test routes for the Test Center but you will gain experience on a wide variety of roads and traffic situations throughout your lessons. So by the the end of your lessons you will be ready for your test and you should feel confident on all types of roads (except motorways) and all types of junctions.
Aim 2: To Develop a Lesson Plan best suited to your needs.
Your lesson plans will be tailored to ensure that you learn progressively, building on previous skills and learning to use them in new and/or more complex environments.
There will be times when this may make you feel uncertain or perhaps nervous, but remember that I will always try to ensure that you should never be put into a situation that I feel you cannot cope with or is dangerous.
We will work through from Moving Off and Stopping, Simple Junctions, Simple Roundabouts, on to more complex Junctions and Roundabouts, Dual Carriageways, Town and Country Driving all the time experiencing more complex driving situations until you are driving confidently and under full control, which is when you will be ready for your Test.
What you can expect from me?
I will, to some extent, let the testimonials on my web page speak for me, but there is one other other element which is important that isn’t highlighted there, which is “honesty”.
So you will get the most out of your lessons, it is important to be honest and up front with each other, so I will be fair and honest when I let you know how you are progressing and when I am answering any questions which you may ask, and likewise I would expect the same from you. If you are unhappy about something to do with the lesson or the way I am teaching, lets talk about it and try and see if we can resolve it together.
How many hours will it take?
This is probably the most common question asked about learning to drive, and the answer is always slightly different for each person. I will always give you an honest answer, so for example, if I genuinely think it will take another 10 lessons, I wont tell you 5 and then add on another 5 a bit later.
There are some guidelines available and I have included these in the following table on the page Lessons Page for your information, but it is important to note that it a ‘guide’ only and there is no implication that anyone can achieve the figures stated. As mentioned previously individual rates of learning vary considerably from person to person.